How to support and manage global teams in 2023

Figure It Out Chrome extension on a browser page

How can companies ensure transparency, good communication, and shared culture on a daily basis when their teams are literally thousands of miles apart? Having worked for companies with global teams for the past decade, I’ve felt the pain first hand.

Managing global teams within tech companies requires a multifaceted approach that addresses transparency, communication, cultural appreciation, and standardized practices. It’s a complex task that involves numerous elements.

Here’s how you can streamline your approach.

If you’re working with teams from different business units across the globe, managing time zones becomes essential. The practical struggles of aligning various time zones can turn daily operations into an efficiency nightmare.

🔥 Hot tip: Try the Figure It Out Chrome extension. This displays your teams’ time zones in all their color-relevant glory, assisting you in scheduling and collaboration.

But it’s not just about knowing time zones; being considerate of them is key. Ensure that you’re not pinging team members during their off-hours and make wise use of functionalities like ‘Mute’ and ‘Do Not Disturb’ on collaboration platforms like Slack.

Figure It Out Chrome extension on a browser page

You can create and communicate a “best time” policy that identifies specific windows of time when team members from various locations are generally available. This window could be a few overlapping hours when most team members are working, and scheduling meetings within this window ensures greater participation.

Regularly review and update this policy to accommodate changes. This practice not only streamlines scheduling but also fosters respect for team members’ work-life balance.

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Cultivate a culture of respectful communication at work

When you work in and manage global teams, practicing good internal communication etiquette is vital. Be mindful of setting up meetings that don’t require constant rescheduling due to time zone conflicts. Encourage employees to balance their availability without feeling the need to be constantly ‘on’, even within a global company.

Regular communication is also key to managing global teams. Schedule regular check-ins that accommodate various time zones to ensure that everyone is included. Use video conferencing tools such as Loom that allow for recorded sessions so that team members who can’t attend live can still review the conversation. This approach ensures that all voices are heard, fostering a culture of respect and inclusion.

Moreover, creating a virtual workspace where collaboration can thrive is vital. Encourage open communication by asking for feedback and ideas in these channels. Providing a space where team members can freely share thoughts and concerns promotes respectful dialogue and helps in building trust across different locations.

Embrace cultural and regional diversity in global teams

With employees spread across various countries or continents, understanding and appreciating diverse backgrounds is crucial. Show genuine interest in your team members’ cultures and be sensitive to language barriers.

Create opportunities for team members to learn about each other’s cultures, traditions, and local customs. This could include virtual cultural exchange sessions, shared reading lists, or cultural presentations where team members introduce their country or region. This fosters a shared culture and broadens mindsets, enhancing the effectiveness with which you manage global teams.

You can also maintain a shared calendar that marks important cultural or national holidays where your team members are located. Consider acknowledging these days in team meetings or through company-wide communications. If possible, allow flexibility in work schedules to accommodate these occasions.

Standardize communication formats

Though it may seem straightforward, agreeing on standardized formats for communications can save significant time and confusion. Whether it’s a date format like mm/dd/yy or spelling variations, being clear and upfront about these standards is essential. This practical step ensures that everyone on your global team is on the same page, thereby enhancing efficiency.

Even better, to enhance clarity and consistency in communications across global teams, create a company-wide style guide that outlines the preferred formats, spelling, and terminology. This guide can include guidelines on date and time formats, currencies, and other commonly used standards. By sharing this guide with all team members and integrating it into the onboarding process, you can ensure that everyone adheres to the same rules.

calendar with meeting schedule

Managing global teams – conclusion

Managing global teams in tech companies doesn’t have to be an insurmountable challenge. With practical tools to navigate time zones, respectful communication practices, an appreciation for cultural diversity, and standardized formats for communications, you can foster a seamless working environment across your global locations.

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